Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm facing war everywhere...

Inside and outside.
and I'm about to give up...
and it feels shitty.
fix me...


Unknown said...

Good good good......

ketketa said...



LOL, what's so good about it?:)

deka136 said...

anathema - looking outside inside

ეს სიმღერა გამახსენდა რატომღაც :-/

Teo said...

Don't give up!
A necessary skill for achieving that which you desire in your life is the ability to give the task at hand that one last go around. Often it is a matter of looking near defeat in the face, and just plain moving forward in spite of all the difficulties you're faced with!
Life has an incredible way of working out the details of our difficulties when we choose not to give up.
So no matter what comes your way today, tomorrow, next week, understand that you have in you
what it takes to overcome it...

everything happens for the reason in life, everyfuckingthing :)

you will be fixed...

P.S. had to leave comment, this is exactly what i felt not a long ago :)

ketketa said...

waw... thanks, Teo:)

Kate said...

არა რა, არ დანებდე არავითარ შემთხვევაში!!!
ისეთი მომენტია, ახლა თუ დანებდი, მერე საერთოდ მაგრად გაგიჭირდება...
ხოდა არ ქნა ეგ, იბრძოლე...
იბრძოლე ნერვის ბოლო სიმამდე!!!

ketketa said...
